Lean Leaders is a leadership development program ideally suited to current and emerging leaders. Combining LEAN and continuous improvement with modern leadership principles to drive efficiency in your business. We use simple and effective tools to reduce waste, with measurable return on investment.  More info




business diagnostic


Moshie will be at your site learning all aspects of your business. We will spend time with each of the key people in your business listening and learning what is and is not working. Together we will gain a clear understanding of ‘Where are we now?’. Moshie will return with a written report along with opportunities on where we can do better, with guidance and support to get there.

business support

Our team has experience in all aspects of running a business. There are many businesses just like yours, we find most have the same sort of challenges. Talk to us about your business, we’ll help convert your challenges into opportunities.

Planning your success

Do you have a business plan? Without a plan you're only cruising, maybe even going backwards. Together we’ll understand where we want to be and how are we going to get there. Its so important to ensure all business decisions are strategic and lead to a path of success.

Farm Business Resilience Planning

A program to build capacity to prepare and manage business and climate risks. The FBRP is designed to help farmers identify, assess and manage risks such as drought. Together we create a plan aimed at improving economic, environmental and social resilience.


Do you know how much it actually costs to produce your products? Surprisingly many businesses believe they do, but don’t have the data to show. We will work with you to break down the inputs, and all inputs will be measured. We then create a bill of materials for each product, and the system that drives it so that it is easily maintained.

Make it clear

Role clarity is the best place to start when considering productivity. Starting with the leaders, we need to define our roles. Ensuring we are spending enough time on the high pay off activities, what can we delegate, how to delegate and develop routines that drive high performance.

High Performance

Did we have a good day today? How do you know? Knowing the data and using it properly can create huge change in productivity and profitability. How long should it take, how long did it take, was there an issue, how much did the issue cost us, does it cost less to prevent? Did we deliver in full on time? Moshie can help you set up systems to collect data, use the data, and make it drive your team to high performance.

Our Team’s safety

The teams safety has to be top priority for all leaders. Do you have a safety culture? We can work with you on setting up simple systems with SOP’s, risk assessments, training and a skills matrix. For the complete package we can recommend and implement an IT managed safety system.


Do you have a continuous improvement culture? Are you looking at reducing waste? There are huge gains to be made in production. Having someone external come in and challenge why, always opens your eyes to opportunities. Do you have an SOP for all processes, and are people trained? Do you have the most desirable work flow? Is the place highly organised so we don’t waste time looking? We will help you on all of these topics. Guaranteed to make improvements in your productivity.

Team projects

Are your projects costed? Do you know the return on investment? We’ll help your team prepare and manage projects without the guess work. It’s far easier asking for resources for a project when you can show the benefits to the business.

Do you have the right people in the right positions? Do you have a vacant position? We can spend time in your team understanding and supporting ways of moving forward. Sometimes, its just not going to work out. We can help you build the team to drive your future.

The right fit